Latest News
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our 2 fundraisers this summer. We raised 749.00 from our Family Carnival Day for Nolan to purchase his specialized stroller and 1,100.00 at our Car Wash to help Parent Council with the purchase of the new play structure at Sansome School.
In Mrs. F’s afternoon Kindergarten Program, the children are busy learning number and letter recognition, days of the week, new songs, and even dabbling in some French and Sign Language. Loose Parts is a great area for children to explore with common every day items like pebbles, corks, wooden cubes, sea shells, gems, marbles, stacking cups, pine cones, scales, mirrors etc. The idea is to lay different materials out in an inviting and non-intentional way and see what play comes out of it. It is amazing to watch the children use these materials in such creative ways.
Our School Age children have been really into hockey, football, making bracelets, and doing diamond art. We started a sewing club which has been popular. They also helped decorate our classrooms for the winter holiday. It is looking very festive throughout our centre now!
We will be doing our Giving Tree again this year. If you would like to help keep Winnipeg families warm this winter, please donate a pair of mitts, a hat, and/or a scarf and we will gladly put it up on our tree on your behalf. All donations collected will go directly to the families who need it most.
Important Dates
14th - Inservice
March 31 - April 4
11th - Inservice
18th - CLOSED (Good Friday)
2nd - Inservice
19th - CLOSED (Victoria Day)
13th - Inservice
26th - Last Day of Classes
27th - Inservice
30th - CLOSED (in lieu of Easter Monday)
1st - CLOSED (Canada Day)
4th - CLOSED (Terry Fox Day)